Cloud Peak Expeditions








“Cloud Peak Expeditions is not only a capable, well-established and high-quality outfitter, an incredible experiential outdoor classroom, and an environmental stewardship program, it is also a once in a lifetime opportunity to live in unique harmony amongst powerful animals in stunning wilderness spaces with the insightful and open guidance of a trusted leadership team. As a participant, you will be challenged, you will be seen, you will grow. You will learn more than you could ever anticipate. You will have incomprehensibly beautiful moments that you will cherish for a lifetime. And. You. Will. Have. So. Much. Fun. “ Hannah Bright, Writing & Riding into the Wilderness Expedition, 2019


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“I could not have ever imagined how the trip would truly turn my life around. Having to trust myself and my body, learning how to care for my mule, the outrageous beauty of the Big Horns, and the bravery and tenderness of the other women all collided into an experience I'll never forget. I laughed until I cried, I shared pieces of my heart I couldn't even articulate before, and I learned to appreciate the natural world and take responsibility for my role in it. I returned home with a much needed perspective shift and some new lifelong friends. It's not an exaggeration when I say, every day I'm reminded of lessons I learned loping through the meadow, tacking my horse, jumping into ice cold water, or sitting around the fire swapping secrets. Robin is a leader with soul, sweetness, and strength in spades. Let her take you to these magical places she knows so intimately, so you can see for yourself!” Sammi Labue, Womxn in the Wilderness Expedition, 2019

“Having long dreamt of horsepacking through the West, I could not have imagined a more perfect first experience than with Cloud Peak Expeditions. Robin is not only a master horsewoman in her own right, but she is also a gifted teacher and a natural leader. She leads by example, enabling and empowering her participants to step fully into the role of horsewomen themselves. I feel proud and capable to have learned to hitch a mule, to tie several new knots, to pony a packhorse along the trail, and to navigate diverse types of alpine terrain on horseback. As a writer and a conservationist, Robin encourages conscientiousness and reflection on the power, role, and future of these wild places while we are in their thrall. These conversations are vital for our own growth, and for preserving access to such places and experiences in the years to come. With these prompts in the wilds, we are then equipped to return home with these values fresh in mind and carry them forward, when the majesty of the Big Horns is a memory in our pockets. My memory of the Big Horns will last a long, long time. Thank you Cloud Peak!” Lizi Jones, Womxn in the Wilderness, 2019



“Being able to participate in a Cloud Peak Expedition is something I would wish upon everyone. There are a million humble lessons that stem from the seemingly simple undertaking of exploring wild lands with several other people and a herd of mules and horses. (Which, by the way, is no simple undertaking. I found a steep learning curve of knot-tying, riding, mule-packing, and strategizing. The lessons and skills were all taught patiently and articulately by expert leaders. In those newfound skills, I found self-accomplishment and satisfaction-- "ha! I finally did it!") The quiet that the mind finds in those expansive Big Horns unleashes inspiration and reflection, too. It was a place to be honest and vulnerable with myself; experiencing wild lands with horses taught me the importance of extending tenderness to all entities around me. It gave me room to reflect in ways I can't seem to access in daily life. But a lot of the joy came from being in a group of several loosely linked people (and a herd of horses) who worked together to accomplish what needed to be done each day, and to provide one another with lots of stories, laughs, and cheese plates. Perhaps most important, though-- is there any joy that compares to swimming in high-elevation ponds and creeks, or trotting through an alpine meadow on a sweet and sassy mule? I'm so grateful to have been given the opportunity to participate in a unique and meaningful expedition, especially as horsepacking in wild areas becomes less and less common.” Maren Schiffer, Advanced Horsepacking & Wilderness Skills Expedition, 2019


“Learning how to cinch a saddle and hitch a pack onto a mule in a grove of pines or piecing through a Joy Williams essay in a meadow of swaying grasses surrounded by grazing horses in this outdoor classroom made the lessons of this trip some of the most meaningful learning experiences of my lifetime. I made close friends, learned about myself, and was able to follow through on a lifelong dream of living alongside horses. I will be forever grateful for my scholarship from Cloud Peak Expeditions, and I look forward to sharing the knowledge and understanding I have gained with others for the rest of my life. Hannah B. Writing & Riding into the Wilderness Expedition, 2019


I am a lover of the outdoors and was excited to be in nature. I expected to see blue skies, to smile at the stars, to smell pines, and to, of course, ride horses. What I did not expect was that this horsepacking and camping trip with Cloud Peak Expeditions would shape and shift my life in magical ways. I learned so much about the wild, natural places around us, about our relationship with the environment, and about ourselves through casual conversations, specific writing prompts, and leader- and peer-guided discussion. And, this all occurred while riding through the woods, eating lunch beneath trees, admiring the peaking peaks of this forest area, and sitting by the campfire in one of the most powerful and empowering places on Earth. Now back in my home of New York City, I have applied these lessons and learnings to how I live and how I interact with my fellow humans. All of this is because of our trip and the spectacular wild places we were lucky enough to explore and inhabit for a few days.” Emma T., Womxn in the Wilderness Expedition, 2019

“Spending a week in the Big Horns with Robin and her troop of mares, mules, Lonesome, and Emilio was, in a word, incredible. Days that weren’t spent riding were spent by a wandering river or lush meadow writing, reading, and reflecting with the group. Robin and Carly provided us with writing prompts and readings throughout the day that we could work on intermittently between dipping in the water, painting, and breathing in the breathtaking scenery. In the evening we’d gather around the fire to read poems and discuss our days work, or read a short piece and dissect it together. My favorite moments were these ones spent around the fire when we would share out short writings and provide feedback to eachother. Amongst laughter and chocolate, these sessions allowed me to hear very unique perspectives and writing styles as well as receive feedback on my own work. For me the time and space provided by these days of freedom in the meadow and by the river were what allowed me to truly open my creative mind. The prompts and readings provided by the trip leaders were invaluable in this process. Riding horses and writing amongst the spiny pines, wandering rivers, and wildflower meadows of the Big Horns was outstanding. Robin and Carly were superb leaders, teachers, and guides. They helped me navigate my first experience riding horses and showed me how to treat beings with respect and kindness. Not only that but they facilitated a learning and personal growth experience through writing and guiding with open minds. And, an added bonus, the food was amazing! This trip was invaluable to me and my life experience. I will never forget it and I am eager to get back in the saddle with my pen and paper!” Olivia T., Writing in the Wilderness, 2019



“My week in the Big Horns with Cloud Peak Wilderness was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I learned various skills: hitches and throwing saddles and catching mischievous mules and making coffee in the backcountry. But the lessons with the most staying power were those of spirit – perhaps intangible but certainly transformative. Having struggled with my mental health over the past few years, the notion of a week removed from distractions and technology initially appeared daunting; what is left of me when the rest is stripped away? My time in the Big Horns affirmed that what is left of me, of any of us, is a breathing, feeling human, hoping we might be defined by the humility with which we pass through mountains, ride those horses, and learn from each other. Cloud Peak not only taught me countless lessons but transformed the very way I learn; to foreground gratitude and bring open arms, to treasure curiosity and always plow forward. As I toil through the school year, taking tests on tropical biology and art from the French revolution, I often revisit the haven of the Big Horns in my mind. One night in particular stands out: I was about to head to bed, a few folks were still gathered around the fire, and walking towards my sleeping bag I looked up and was frozen in my tracks. Stars freckled the sky with impossible brilliance. A little ways away, one of the horses took off, and like a whisper I felt her thundering hooves against the earth. “This,” I thought to myself, “is what it means to feel wonder." -Ibby O., Advanced Horsepacking & Wilderness Skills Expedition 2019

“We were six people, six horses and three mules.  It was a magical trip, and very accessible for riders and backcountry folks of all skill levels. The food and scenery was exceptional! Robin is a completely and utterly competent guide. She is also a deeply connected person who made us all feel part of a team in no time flat. One of the best trips I’ve ever done with my girls!” Jacky B., Womxn in the Wilderness, 2019


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During this trip, I was reminded that I am a wild creature that belongs in wild spaces.” Sara, 2018

What does it mean to fall in love with a place? You feel secure in a place, you feel happy with the things around you. You are happy and don’t want to leave. The place is your home, a place that will never leave your side. Ever.” Logan, 2018



To leave a good trace is to be kind to wilderness, to be kind to one another, to let the mountains know our appreciation...To be at home in the woods is to be at peace, to be happy, to be content, to feel a sense of belonging.” Reilly, 2018

The woods provide a place to internalize what is necessary and how that relates to perceptions of what we think we need. They help us to know the pleasure of experiencing the rudiments of existence.” Karl, 2018
